Pleasant Edu

SIT40521 – Certificate IV in Kitchen Management


Get Certificate IV in Kitchen Management

Mapping Notes
Is superseded by and equivalent to SIT40521 – Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Equivalent. Minor changes to packaging rules. Changes to core and elective units but skills and knowledge within qualifications map to each other and the job outcome of the qualification has not changed. Change to title

Qualification Description

This qualification (SIT40521 – Certificate IV in Kitchen Management) reflects the role of chefs and cooks who have a supervisory or team leading role in the kitchen. They operate independently or with limited guidance from others and use discretion to solve non-routine problems.

This qualification provides a pathway to work in organisations such as restaurants, hotels, clubs, pubs, cafes and coffee shops, or to run a small business in these sectors.

The skills in this qualification must be applied in accordance with Commonwealth and State or Territory legislation, Australian standards and industry codes of practice.

No occupational licensing, certification or specific legislative requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication.

Packaging Rules

Total number of units 33

27 core units

6 elective units, consisting of:

  • 3 units from Group A below
  • 3 units from the electives listed below or from any current endorsed Training Package or accredited course.

Core units

SITHCCC023 – Use food preparation equipment

SITHCCC027 – Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery

SITHCCC028 – Prepare appetisers and salads

SITHCCC029 – Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

SITHCCC030 – Prepare vegetable, fruit, eggs and farinaceous dishes

SITHCCC031 – Prepare vegetarian and vegan dishes

SITHCCC035 – Prepare poultry dishes

SITHCCC036 – Prepare meat dishes

SITHCCC037 – Prepare seafood dishes

SITHCCC041 – Produce cakes, pastries and breads

SITHCCC042 – Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements

SITHCCC043 – Work effectively as a cook

SITHKOP010 – Plan and cost recipes

SITHKOP012 – Develop recipes for special dietary requirements

SITHKOP013 – Plan cooking operations

SITHKOP015 – Design and cost menus

SITHPAT016 – Produce desserts

SITXCOM010 – Manage conflict

SITXFIN009 – Manage finances within a budget

SITXFSA005 – Use hygienic practices for food safety

SITXFSA006 – Participate in safe food handling practices

SITXFSA008- Develop and implement a food safety program

SITXHRM008 – Roster staff

SITXHRM009 – Lead and manage people

SITXINV006 – Receive, store and maintain stock

SITXMGT004 – Monitor work operations

SITXWHS007 – Implement and monitor work health and safety practices

Elective units

Group A – Cookery and Catering

SITHCCC026 – Package prepared foodstuffs

SITHCCC032 – Produce cook-chill and cook-freeze foods

SITHCCC033 – Re-thermalise chilled and frozen foods

SITHCCC038 – Produce and serve food for buffets

SITHCCC039 – Produce pates and terrines

SITHCCC040 – Prepare and serve cheese

SITHCCC044 – Prepare specialised food items

SITXFSA007 – Transport and store food

SITHKOP011 – Plan and implement service of buffets

SITHKOP014 – Plan catering for events or functions

Group B – Asian Cookery

SITHASC021 – Prepare Asian appetisers and snacks

SITHASC022 – Prepare Asian stocks and soups

SITHASC023 – Prepare Asian sauces, dips and accompaniments

SITHASC024 – Prepare Asian salads

SITHASC025 – Prepare Asian rice and noodles

SITHASC027 – Prepare Asian cooked dishes

SITHASC028 – Prepare Asian desserts

SITHASC033 – Prepare dim sum

Group C – Patisserie

SITHPAT012 – Produce specialised cakes

SITHPAT014 – Produce yeast-based bakery products

SITHPAT015 – Produce petits fours

SITHPAT017 – Prepare and model marzipan

SITHPAT018 – Produce chocolate confectionery

SITHPAT019 – Model sugar-based decorations

SITHPAT020 – Design and produce sweet showpieces

Group D – Food and Beverage

SITHFAB021 – Provide responsible service of alcohol

SITHFAB023 – Operate a bar

SITHFAB025 – Prepare and serve espresso coffee

SITHFAB027 – Serve food and beverage

SITHFAB034 – Provide table service of food and beverage

Group E – General electives

BSBTWK501 – Lead diversity and inclusion

HLTAID011 – Provide First Aid

SIRXOSM002 – Maintain ethical and professional standards when using social media and online platforms

SIRXOSM003 – Use social media and online tools

SIRXOSM006 – Develop and manage social media and online strategies

SIRXOSM007 – Manage risk to organisational reputation in an online setting

SITXCCS014 – Provide service to customers

SITXCCS015 – Enhance customer service experiences

SITXFIN008 – Interpret financial information

SITXHRM010 – Recruit, select and induct staff

SITXINV007 – Purchase goods

SITXINV008 – Control stock

SITXWHS006 – Identify hazards, assess and control safety risks

Admission Available Now

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Jhon Due


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Aida Bugg



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